
Showing posts from February, 2023

Top Workplace Wellness and Well-Being Ideas to Counter Stress

  Employee health and productivity are being decimated by stress, both physically and emotionally. Almost half of all American workers say their jobs are incredibly stressful. Reducing workplace stress is critical for your organization's success and will benefit everyone involved.  Stress Reduction in the Workplace   If your employees' stress is not addressed and supported in healthy ways, you will spend much too much time putting out fires and dealing with a turnover rather than positively influencing the firm. It is critical to incorporate stress management into your workplace wellness and well-being program.   Ironically, just figuring out how to de-stress or maintain your team stress-free can be challenging. So we've collected a comprehensive list of strategies to assist in reducing stress for the previously outlined health issues, as well as to begin changing the culture around stress management.   Provide Chair Massages at Workplace Events   Your st